APPLICATIONS:Visible. IR. Laser windows. FLlR (Forward looking IR) systems.
Optical Properties
Transmission Range | 0.5 to 22 microns for > 10% uncoated 6mm |
Refractive Index | 2.4028 at 10.6 microns |
Reflection Loss | 29% at 10.6 microns (2 surfaces) |
Restrahelen Peak | |
dN/dT | 61 x 10-SJK at 10.6 microns 298K |
Physical Properties
Density | 5.27gm/cc |
Melting Point | 1525°C |
Thermal Conductivity | 18 Wm-1° K -1 at 250°C |
Thermal Expansion | 7.8 x 10-6/K |
Hardness | Knoop 120 50gm indenter |
Specific Heat Capacity | 339.1JKgm-l K -1 at 25°C |
Dielectric Constant |
Young's Modulus (E) | 67.22 Gpa |
Shear Modulus (G) | |
Bulk Modulus (K) | |
Elastic Coeffcients | |
Apparent Elastic Limit | ~55 Mpa using 4-point test |
Poisson Ratio | 0.28 |
Chemical Properties
Solubility | Insoluble |
Molecular Weight | 144.33 |
Class/Structure | Polycrystalline Cubic |
Index of Refraction
1.00 microns | 2.4892 |
3.00 microns | 2.4376 |
5.00 microns | 2.4295 |
7.00 microns | 2.4218 |
10.60 microns | 2.4028 |
13.00 microns | 2.3850 |
15.00 microns | 2.3665 |
15.80 microns | 2.3579 |
17.00 microns | 2.3438 |
18.20 microns | 2.3278 |