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Home | Zinc Selenide (ZnSe)

Zinc Selenide (ZnSe)

Zinc Selenide (ZnSe)

APPLICATIONS:Visible. IR. Laser windows. FLlR (Forward looking IR) systems.

Optical Properties

Transmission Range 0.5 to 22 microns for > 10% uncoated 6mm
Refractive Index 2.4028 at 10.6 microns
Reflection Loss 29% at 10.6 microns (2 surfaces)
Restrahelen Peak  
dN/dT 61 x 10-SJK at 10.6 microns 298K

Physical Properties

Density 5.27gm/cc
Melting Point 1525°C
Thermal Conductivity

18 Wm-1° K -1 at 250°C

Thermal Expansion 7.8 x 10-6/K
Hardness Knoop 120 50gm indenter
Specific Heat Capacity

339.1JKgm-l K -1 at 25°C

Dielectric Constant


Young's Modulus (E) 67.22 Gpa
Shear Modulus (G)  
Bulk Modulus (K)  
Elastic Coeffcients
Apparent Elastic Limit ~55 Mpa using 4-point test
Poisson Ratio 0.28

Chemical Properties

Solubility Insoluble
Molecular Weight 144.33

Polycrystalline Cubic

Index of Refraction

1.00 microns


3.00 microns 2.4376
5.00 microns 2.4295
7.00 microns 2.4218
10.60 microns 2.4028
13.00 microns 2.3850
15.00 microns 2.3665
15.80 microns 2.3579
17.00 microns 2.3438
18.20 microns 2.3278