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Home | Fluoride Optics | Strontium Fluoride Windows | Square and Rectangular Strontium Fluoride Windows

Square and Rectangular Strontium Fluoride Windows

Strontium Fluroide (SrF2) is used for a small range of special optical applications. Its optical properties are intermediate to Calcium and Barium Fluoride.

  • Tolerances: +/-0.1mm
  • Polish: 80/50 or Better
  • Edges Ground Finish
  • Orientation: Random; <100> or <110> Available


Part # Description Diameter Thickness
8W10X1.5MMSRF2 10.0mmSQ Strontium Fluoride Square Window 10.0mmSQ 1.5mm
8W11X1MMSRF2 11.0mmSQ Strontium Fluoride Square Window 11.0mmSQ 1.0mm
8W14L10WX1MMSRF2 14mmL x 10.0mmW Strontium Fluoride Rectangle Window 14mmL x 10.0mmW 1.0mm
8W22SQX1MMSRF2 22.0mmSQ Strontium Fluoride Square Window 22.0mmSQ 1.0mm
8W9.5SQX1MMSRF2 9.5mmSQ Strontium Fluoride Square Window 9.5mmSQ 1.0mm